The World Stone Skimming Championships: EASDALE ISLAND
Easdale Island, home to a small but thriving community of stone skimmers, is situated 16 miles south of Oban, Argyll.
The island is reached by means of a 5 minute passenger ferry journey across from Ellenabeich on the adjacent Isle of Seil (which is itself connected to the mainland via the famous ‘Bridge over the Atlantic). The ferry is called by pressing the buttons in the ferry shed on the pier at Ellenabeich. See below for ferry timetable.
Please note – unfortunately there are no facilities for camping on the island.
Please do not camp in the public car park or elsewhere in the village of Ellenabeich.
Beyond Seil, the nearest camp site is in Oban. The website is a useful source of information on campsites – enter Oban into the search box on the home page.
Travel by bus
Bus services (Mon – Sat) are run by West Coast Motors – search for Oban to Ellenabeich. There are no bus services to or from Easdale Island on a Sunday.
Car Travel and Parking
For satnav users, the island postcode is PA34 4TB.
There are three areas designated for temporary car parking for the event.
- The free public car park at the western end of Ellenabeich.
- Adjacent to Seafari Adventures’ space, (the old Highland Arts building)
- Seil Island Hall, on the left just before you enter Ellenabeich village.
Parking at Seafari and Seil Island Hall will be charged at £5 per car for the day. All funds raised will go the the Seil Island Hall Development Fund.
The Stone Slimming organisers are grateful to Jess and Tony Hill of Seafari Adventures (Oban) for donating space for temporary car parking for the event.
We respectfully request that you do not park on the verges in and around Ellenabeich. Please be respectful of others’ property and privacy.
For information about local accommodation, see
You can find out more about Easdale Island and its community from, or about other events in Easdale Island Hall and Eilean Eisdeal’s Arts Programme from
Easdale ferry

Normally the Easdale Island Ferry runs to a half-hourly timetable as shown on the Argyll & Bute Council website. During the World Stone Skimming Championships the ferry runs on demand from 09.00.
The ferry is a passenger ferry only and is unable to carry vehicles to the island.
Ferry Tickets
Get to Easdale Island quicker – buy your Easdale Ferry ticket in advance online from Argyll & Bute Council Easdale Ferry website. Tickets are valid for one year after purchase.
You can buy tickets on the day by cash or by card: adults £2.70 return; children 15 and under £1.50 return. Please bring correct change if paying by cash.